What Is A Buy To Let Mortgage And What Is A Let To Buy Mortgage?

Let Us First Look At Buy To Let Mortgage:
A mortgage facility secured on a property that is given on rent is a buy to let mortgage. This is an extremely popular method to finance the purchase and refinancing of an investment property, aside from applying for a property development loans in the UK. Normally, buy to let mortgage lenders calculate their affordability based on the rental income potential of the property in question. Houses, flats, and similar residential properties are used to secure buy to let mortgage facilities.

Coming To Let To Buy Mortgage:
A buy to let mortgage facility that is being used for financing the mortgage holder’s existing home is known as let to buy mortgage. It allows them to move out of their property and offer it to a tenant for rent. Let to buy mortgages is a popular financing method among those who want to switch homes, while also retaining their previous home for investment purposes. In the past, let to buy mortgages have also been popular due to the depressed real estate market, where they are used to facilitate the buying of a new property, at the same time letting the former property be retained. This move is taken with an anticipation that the real estate market will be improved in the coming years and a better sale price will be achieved later. In dire need, they can always apply for commercial bridging loans.

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